icag.biz/image/pdf/Certificado%20ISO%209001-2015%20Ingles.pdfD & L whole house water filtration systems are custom built to correct your water quality issues and will make a dramatic difference in your home. Filtration system installation is usually simple, only requires periodic maintenance, and you will taste the difference immediately. Whatever your home’s water challenge is: chlorine, chloramine, sulfur, rust stains, hard water, bacteria, arsenic, lead, contaminants, or pH levels, our filtration systems will alleviate it. Some of the advantages of a water filtration system from D&L are:
- Remove dirt, silt, clay and other sediments from your drinking water.
- No cartridges to change or clean.
- Reduce effects of corrosion on plumbing, appliances and fixtures.
- Eliminate corrosion caused stains
- Eliminate need for chemical regenerants, which saves time and money!